
Best Essential Oils To Help You With Headache

Essential Oils for Headaches and Migraines

A headache is one of those pains that you just can’t ignore and that can prevent you from getting on with your regular routine. When you have a headache, you will find it’s almost impossible to do anything – even think! The best thing to do is to lie down in a dark room and to wait for it to pass.

Medication may help but not always. So how about trying something else, like essential oils?

How Can Essential Oil Help Headaches and Migraines?

So how can an oil possibly help headaches and migraines?

Firstly, essential oils can be highly relaxing. The smell of many of these oils naturally calming and this can help you to relax your muscles and to potentially calm your mind. What’s more though, is that the molecules that enter through the nasal passageway can also have a direct impact on the central nervous system. This causes the body to switch from a fight state to a rest and digest state. In other words, the body relaxes and the muscles relax with it.

This can be helpful in a wide variety of headache cases, but it can also be especially helpful when it comes to treating ‘tension headaches’. A tension headache is a type of headache that is caused by tensing the face and head muscles for long periods of time. This is something we can find ourselves doing throughout the day without realizing, especially if we’re having a stressful day or if we’re out in the sun. This essentially causes pain around the head and one of the best ways to combat it is to allow those muscles to relax entirely.

Another benefit of these essential oils is that they can help to lift the mood, thereby combating stress. They also help to increase the production of serotonin and dopamine in the brain – both ‘happiness’ hormones which can reduce the sensation of pain. This is also another way that essential oils can improve sleep – because serotonin is converted into melatonin after a while.
